AHJ is an independent privately-owned broking company transacting reinsurance and insurance business from across the world. Over the past four decades we have established ourselves as a company which provides a high quality service – advice, analysis, placement and administration – delivered in a friendly but professional manner by teams of the highest calibre with a proven track record as market leaders in their chosen sectors.
We are headquartered in London with a fully owned trading operation, AHJ Europe AS, situated in Oslo, Copenhagen and Stockholm along with a branch in the UK. We are proud of our close connections with the Lloyd’s market with its record of delivering innovative solutions to meet insurance and reinsurance needs wherever they arise. We also trade with reinsurers across the global landscape, accessing capacity from London, Bermuda, Europe and, increasingly the Far East, amongst other markets.
Our focus is reinsurance, representing the majority of our current turnover and with a strong presence in key areas. We also trade in wholesale insurance, delivering insurance products in niche areas – as brokers or underwriters – to our partners in the agency and broker community.
As a company we take great care of our clients. We also take great care to run a healthy business with strong solvency and no debt.
AHJ was founded as a Lloyd’s broking house in 1973 and quickly established itself as a leading broker of marine and other reinsurance business, both from the London market and internationally. The success enabled the founders to build the financial resources of the company, including investment in other (re)insurance businesses.
AHJ is proud of its track record of backing up a competitive broking service with first class accounting and claims units, a tradition which continues today. Our service levels continue to be driven by the requirements of our clients and markets, not by a need to achieve the lowest cost ratio.
Over the past decade AHJ has managed to grow its business substantially. This growth has been achieved organically and by the hiring of high calibre teams and individuals, attracted by the ethos and working culture of AHJ. Thus, over the past decade, the company has diversified into different areas of marine and non-marine reinsurance such as Aquaculture, International, North American and Specialty – plus specialist insurance.
Today, we have a strategy to expand further as opportunities arise in areas and classes where our unique culture and platform can create value for existing and new business partners.
What makes AHJ different?
Firstly, our independence, combined with strong financial security, frees us to focus our energies on our clients and enables us to invest in resources with a long term view of market cycles. We are not driven by unrealistic targets but by an achievable and sustainable strategy.
Secondly, the executives handling clients’ business are experienced individuals with “hands on” involvement from senior management, often board directors.
Ours is a working environment which attracts highly-qualified people whose standards and achievements regularly outperform our competitors. We offer our clients consistency and continuity in their account handlers and an unrivalled level of personal attention.
Thirdly, we have invested heavily in recognised industry-leading modelling tools and in the development of in-house bespoke pricing and exposure tools. These are backed up by highly experienced analysts, enabling us to give our business partners a better understanding of risk.
And finally – and most importantly – we are a company which behaves with integrity and transparency, building proper relationships with our business partners based upon trust.
Alwen Hough Johnson Ltd is authorised regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, registration number 308774 and AHJ Europe AS is authorised and regulated by the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway, Finanstilsynet, company number 922 037 922.
We are proud to be a Lloyd’s broker, with the additional responsibilities that brings. This also gives us direct access to the world’s most innovative insurance and reinsurance marketplace.
AHJ are fully committed to the implementation of all relevant London market reform initiatives – including contract certainty, A&S accounting, ECF claims, and we play a leading role in the development of these market initiatives within our broker sector.
We are a member of the Griffin Mutual Insurance Society providing the AHJ Group with comprehensive professional indemnity insurance.
We have a comprehensive business continuity programme in place, involving key members of staff, which will enable our operations to continue to function as normal in the event of a disaster. If you need to contact us in such circumstances please email your regular contact on their regular email address or email us at AHJ.